Nonfiction Authors-in-Waiting

Kickstart Your Book and Craft a Bestseller That Attracts More Clients

The magic happens before you even put pen to paper. . . it’s all about successful planning. Download the guide to get started!

"Before my book, I felt like just another healthcare

provider. Now that it's done, my book provides

a framework for my entire business!"

~ Kevin Davis, Bestselling author of Young and Strong at 40 & Beyond

The first question most people ask is . . .

There are 5 Stages of Book Creation

There are 5 stages to crafting a compelling book—one that converts readers into leads and leads into clients.

It all begins with the PLAN stage. That's what this guide is all about.

When you start with the end in mind, then get your plan written down,

it's SO much faster and easier to write.

Hi, I'm Leslie Graham

Since 2009, I've written between books and course content for others amounting to

over 7 million words—the equivalent of 20 books per year!

All of this writing led to the creation of
Turn it into a Book!—my signature process for crafting nonfiction books that connect, impact, transform, and convert.

I designed this specifically to help experts like you create books that bring your genius to the world faster and easier.

We start by helping you design a written plan for your book that brings transformation to your readers and clients to your business.


I believe words matter. Your words matter. But they won't be seen nor heard if no one reads your book. And when they do read, we want to ensure readers know how to take the next step with you.

My team and I are committed to helping you articulate your message and bring your book to life in the easiest way possible.

Whether your topic is broad or super niched, we have loads of experience and are here to help you navigate all the ins and outs of self-publishing.

We're even prepared to do all the heavy lifting for you! But none of this happens if you don't take this first step.

Give Your Book a Strong Foundation from the Start!

Apply the proven guidelines our premium clients have used to craft their business building books.

When you master these elements, your book will not only enhance your business but also earn you credibility in the marketplace.

Grab your copy now!

Copyright © Leslie Graham LLC